talk round的用法与搭配
v. 说服,兜圈子谈
1. 转变抹角地讲
2. 得不出结论地讨论下去
3. 转弯抹角地说
4. 兜圈子说
- He 's one of those headstrong people who are hard to talk round .
- 他是那种一意孤行、很难被说服的人。
- They talk round and round on a problem .
- 他们在一个问题上谈论来谈论去.
- Don 't talk round the question ; come straight to the point .
- 不要在这个问题上绕圈子,开门见山地谈吧。
- On afghanistan far from being clever his faint-hearted attempt to talk round congress manage his squabbling officials and twist the arm of hamid karzai the vote-rigging afghan president has arguably ac
- 在阿富汗问题上,他的做法不够明智,他在国会无力的演讲,处理国内官员的争吵,以及对待阿富汗通过舞弊当选的总统卡尔扎伊问题上,都收效甚微,唯一的成果就是增兵:他的将军们作战水平确实在提高。
- They finally managed to talk her round .
- 他们最后终于设法说服了她。
- We did try to talk them round but they adhered to their view .
- 我们的确曾试图说服他们,但他们仍坚持自己的看法。
- So she can lie to me ? Talk me round ? Ha !
- 她要来骗我吗?让我回心转意?哈!
- It remains to be seen whether they can talk him round .
- 得看看他们是否能把他谈得回心转意。
- You don 't have to talk me round to your view .
- 你不必说服我接受你的观点.
- After a few races they managed to talk faith into playing a round .
- 经过几场比赛,他们设法说服打圆信仰。